
What is Philately?

Philately is the study of stamps and postal history and other related items. Philately involves more than just stamp collecting, which does not necessarily involve the study of stamps.

It is possible to be a philatelist without owning any stamps!
For instance, the stamps being studied may be very rare, or exist only in museums.

When & where do we meet?

We hold a programme of meetings throughout the year, in St Matthews Church Parish Hall, Redhill. We also hold Friday afternoon meetings at the Club House of Redhill Football Club.

Annual Subscriptions:  £25 (due Sept 1st)

To find out about our programme please click here to visit our programme page.

A brief history of the society

The Society was founded in September 1937, and took as its name ‘The REDHILL, REIGATE and DISTRICT PHILATELIC SOCIETY’.
The first regular meeting of the Society was held at the Rees Rooms, Redhill when 12 collectors were present.

By the end of the fIrst season the membership had increased to 25.

The activities of the Society were somewhat curtailed during the years 1942 – 46 owing to the Second World War, but 1947 saw a revival of enthusiasm such that the membership reached 70 in 1948. The meeting place had now moved to the Market Hall Buildings, Redhill on the second Tuesday of each month. This year also saw the Redhill, Reigate & District Philatelic Society become one of the 11 founding societies of the Surrey Federation of Philatelic Societies.

The year, 1948 saw a ‘Philatelic Exhibition’, consisting of 32 exhibits, held in the Small Market Hall, Redhill, on Saturday, April 17 from 11.00am to 9.OOpm, and which cost sixpence (6d.) admission.

The society has continued to grow and succeed…